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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Man's Best Friend

Man's Best Friend
Usually these blogs are about Cuban animals or Cuban people, but this time I want to start with an American dog named Danny Boy. We came to know Danny when he was boarded at our vet's office while his master had surgery. Danny is a beautiful example of a Border Collie with symetrical black and white markings. Our vet showed him to us after hearing that his master died during surgery. We went home that night talking about adopting him, and by morning it was decided: we wanted him. When we called, his master's wife (who never liked the dog) had already picked him up to take him to a shelter.
A few phone calls later, we found Danny at Sarasota's Humane Society, and they agreed to hold him until we could pick him up. At 9 years old, Danny knew the ropes. He immediately got along with our other dogs and with our cats. We learned how smart Border Collies are when he needed only about two minutes to teach me to play toss with him. (I'm a fast learner, but he's an even faster teacher.)
But Danny does one thing better than all the other things he does--he is absolutely loyal to his master--and now that's me. When I wake up in the morning and get out of bed, he comes around the end of the bed as if to say, "good morning." Not most days--every day. When I'm writing or reading or using the computer, he's right there in sight and he moves from room to room with me always.
I heard a story about a dog in Cuba who reminds me so much of Danny. Baldo was another dog completely dedicated to his master. His master became sick and had to enter the hospital, and Baldo waited at the hospital entrance, expecting to see his master when he was discharged. Tragically, his master died in the hospital, but Baldo didn't know it.
Someone must have taken pity on Baldo and must have given him food and water, because Baldo maintained his vigil for 15 days without leaving. Finally some good soul called Nora Garcia, the President of Aniplant, Cuba's only official animal protection organization. Nora found Baldo and arranged for his adoption by a new family. Now, years later, Baldo is alive and well and focusing his love and faith on a new master.
Danny, Baldo, and countless other dogs prove every day that dogs deserve their "man's best friend" description. They'll stick with you through thick and thin--through happy times and adversity. They don't care if you are rich or poor--good looking or ugly. All they really want is the occasional demonstration of love--a pat on the head or a scratch on the neck, and they'll become your loyal friend for life.
Les Inglis

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